How to grow Scarlet Firethorn as bonsai
Pyracantha takes full sun for best flowering and fruiting. They'll tolerate some shade, dry conditions, lime and heavy pruning. Being a vigorous grower, prune new shoots when still green and pliable. Use directional pruning and bud selection. Large garden specimens are extremely difficult to transplant so start with container stock. Prune thorns (modified branches) to encourage adventitious budding.
Scarlet Firethorn has an open habit with stiff thorny branches.
- 'Red Cushion' has a tight branching more compact habit with dark red fruits. Fireblight resistant.
- Lustrous dark green foliage may become more brownish bronze during a harsh winter.
- White flowers May-Jun.
- Spectacular red fruit Sept into the winter.
- Glossy brown thorny stems.
- Cuttings root readily.
Click Here To Purchase your Scarlet Firethorn Bonsai Tree Now

Posted on February 08 2019