How to Care for Florida Leucothoe
Your Florida Leucothoe
Agarista tolerates full shade to mostly sunny if roots are kept moist. Use a deep training pot. Transplants easily and adapts when not stressed. Heavily suckers to multi-stem but looks best when pruned to a single trunk. Shear back abundant regrowth after heavy pruning. "Taylor's Treasure" is fairly leafspot resistant. In spite of the Florida name, Agarista grows in Zones 7-9
- New growth tinged with red
- Graceful overall compact fountain-like habit
- Irregular form but with upright multiple trunks and ascending to arching branches
- Branching and foliage dense with age.
- Fall or winter cuttings root readily
- Shiny evergreen foliage
- Abundant white flowers Apr-May.Native
This Bonsai Tree Is Currently Unavailable At Bella Bonsai Nursery

Posted on July 16 2019