How to care for Hinoki False Cypress -Chamaecyparis obtusa- as bonsai

Hinoki Falsecypress is easy to grow in sun to part shade but is not drought tolerant. It responds to water and fertilizer and needs protection from drying winds. Rarely forms adventitious buds after heavy pruning late in the season, or in heavy shade or on old wood. So prune the strongest growing tips if you see preferable strong foliage closer to the trunk. Allow the trunk to bulk up by planting in the field. 

  • Hinoki Cypress at maturity  is generally upright conical. Can develop long, scraggly horizontal branches with thick, compressed dark green needles in flattened sprays toward the periphery. Produces orange brown cones. Reddish brown shedding bark.
  • Fernleaf Falsecypress has dense, pendulous clusters of fern spray green foliage. Also with reddish brown shedding bark.
  • Propagation is from untreated cuttings Sept thru Jan.


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How to care for Hinoki False Cypress -Chamaecyparis obtusa- as bonsai