How to care for Flowering Quince as bonsai
Chaenomeles are cold hardy and adaptable to sun or shade. Can be susceptible to fireblight. If chlorotic, check availability of calcium and iron. Root system thrives in a cool, moist substrate high in organic matter but is very weak for transplanting. Prune after blooming. Be sure to consistently remove the suckers.
- The natural form of Flowering Quince at maturity is variable within a rounded silhouette.
- 'Toyo-Nishiki' is an open, upright grower that tends to multi-trunk. Clump bonsai may be appropriate. Tangled, zigzag, spiny branches.
- Flowers after leafing out. Pink, white and sometimes later on red all on same branch in Feb to March on Toyo-Nishiki. Red color rare and sometimes grafted on. Reminiscent of Satsuki azalea. Sometimes flowering again sporadically and lightly later in spring and again in fall.
- Golden yellow golf ball size fruit Oct.
- Propagation by cuttings May - Aug. Easily rooted.
Click Here To Purchase your Flowering Quince Bonsai Tree Now

Posted on February 08 2019