How to care for Crepemyrtle as bonsai
Crepemyrtle likes it hot and sunny. Fast growing, they are quick to callus over cuts. Usually they're prone to produce many vertical shoots. Complete the pruning by Aug. because pruning fall thru winter significantly reduces cold hardiness. If in leaf prior to zero degrees F. foliage should be defoliated or cambium will be injured early next spring. Insufficient cold dormancy may induce stressful early spring foliage growth.
- At maturity they're usually upright vase shaped with multi ascending branches and spreading crown.
- New leaves are yellow green to reddish purple. Fall leaves on white flowering types usually yellow. Pink and red types usually show more yellow orange and red in the fall.
- Flowers on new growth with hues varying on different trees from white, pink, purple to red.
- Brown fruit capsules persist thru winter.
- Show off the handsome smooth to exfoliating bark.
- A premier summer flowering tree.
Catawba is spherical, glossy dark green foliage and with dark purple flowers and red fall color.
Lipan is upright, multi stemmed, lavender flowers and mottled beige exfoliating bark.
Fantasy is a remarkable vase shaped selection with white blooms by June and dramatic cinnamon color exfoliating bark.
Cherry Dazzle was the first true compact red flowering hybrid. Still most spectacular and very cold hardy.