Bonsai Society of the Carolinas Collecting Trip 11/10/18
Bella Bonsai Nursery is happy to be hosting the Bonsai Society Of The Carolina's annual collecting trip. It will take place this Saturday, 11-10-2018, at Bella Bonsai Nursery 9625 Surface Hill Rd Mint Hill Nc 28227
Members will have the opportunity to collect native tree species from a Charlotte area woodland at our location this month.
On similar adventures in years past, we've come away with pines, American Hornbeams and Winged Elms. Larry says you can expect to find Carpinus, Callicarpa, Ulmus, Eleagnus, Ligustrum, Rosa, Nyssa, Liquidambar, Betula, Acer, Albizzia, Quercus, Cercis, Pyrus, Lagerstromia, Fagus, Juniperus (and deadwood), Pinus, Ilex, Cornus, Prunus, Baccharis, Oxydendron, Populus, Salix, Sassafras, Viburnum, Aronia, Rubus, Photinia, Rhus (shrubs and vines), Lonicera (shrubs and vines), Wisteria, Parthenosissus, Vitis, Celastrus, Campsis, among many others. You'll also find moss, ferns and plenty of gold tailings. Gold mining tools and Indian tools have also been found out there, even recently.
For those members attending their first collecting adventure, wear old clothes & work shoes, bring tools to prune & uproot your treasures, something to “bag” the roots and WATER.
What happens if it rains, you might ask. Well, in that case, the collection goes forward as planned. Wear your rain gear and be prepared to get dirty.
Larry Morton is the author of the best selling book, Modern Bonsai Practice. He operates a wholesale bonsai nursery with over 6000 bonsai and pre-bonsai.
But you are not into collecting wild trees, you say. Well, there’s a second reason to attend this month’s meeting – Larry will provide an area for BSC members to work on their trees. Bring a tree or three that needs styling and work on it among friends.
Need a third reason to attend? Larry has more than plenty of 1-gal nursery pots free to BSC members. Plus, all tender bonsai are on sale 1⁄2 off Saturday, so he doesn’t have to bring so many in for the winter.
So there’s at least THREE good reasons to join us on Saturday’s Collecting Adventure.