How to care for Heptacodium -Seven Son Flower- as bonsai
Heptacodium will benefit from some shade and sufficient moisture. The root system thrives in a cool, moist substrate high in organic matter. It takes pruning well. Use directional pruning and bud selection. Good horticultural practices translate to healthy bonsai. The natural form of Seven Son Flower at maturity is upright vase shaped with artistic, irregular, open multi-trunks, similar to crepemyrtle. Their soft green foliage emerges in late March maturing to a darker green. Foliage holds on late but you won't see a significant fall color change. Flowers are creamy white August thru September when few other trees are blooming. Green to rose purple fruit appears later on. The rich gray whitish tan exfoliating bark reveals a lighter shade inner bark. A valuable four season interest bonsai.

Posted on July 16 2019