How to care for Winged Euonymus Bonsai Tree

You'll find Winged Euonymus a very tolerant grower except in waterlogged substrate. Go heavy on your spring fertilization. New growth shuts down after one major growth flush in spring. They send out multiple branches per node producing a valuable unrestrained nature. Burning Bush looks handsome when properly pruned. Develop branch curves before they get corky wings. Sun or shade tolerant.
The natural form at maturity is spherical with mostly regular but rugged horizontal branching and becoming flat topped with age. 'Rudy Haag is a superior, more compact form with pinkish rose to red fall color. Unforgettable Fire is a more compact form with smaller leaves and finer stems. Both with excellent red fall color. Enjoy the summer's clean green foliage, but wait until you see the brilliant flaming scarlets of fall when it steals the show.

Yellow green flowers come about May. Small red fruit appears in the fall. Green to brown bark and branches with prominent corky wings add to the interest. 

Propagate from cuttings anytime in leaf. Allow to go thru a chilling period before transplanting the rooted cuttings.


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How to care for Winged Euonymus Bonsai Tree

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